Ned sighs, "What went wrong recently? Oh everything. Someone hacked our clothes-store pricing database and added some zeroes, causing an uproar with our customers. The thing is, some capsuleers were stupid enough to buy items at those mistakenly overinflated prices, so now the marketing department thinks they're onto something."

"On top of that, a new brand of toilet paper called 'Fearless' we trialled in the staff toilets accidentally got installed in the public facilities, which led to some problems."

"Then our mighty leader was misquoted into challenging the entire galaxy to "put their money where their mouth is", which they did."

"It was a perfect storm that lead to the mute paralysis of the entirety of Capsuleer Care and Protection, so we fired up the bat-signal and called the CSM. Things worked out well apart from the underpant issue."

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