It slams shut behind you, leaving you in the dim, foreboding dark corridor. Finally you see the sense in having such a grubby Captain's Quarters. The rest of the station looks like such a shit-hole your room was in fact a clever form of acclimatisation to prevent culture shock. Logic in the madness indeed.

Now suffer the agonising wait for more content that will take us forever to develop. If it's any consolation, know that you are supremely full of the most awesome winsauce and are champion of all that is texty. Go tell your friends how great you are. Preferably outside, in the sunshine. Maybe get some exercise whilst you're there. You deserve it.



P.S. We would have rewarded you with a stunningly clever victory song like in Portal but as you know, EVE doesn't have sound.

P.P.S. But feel free to whistle if you like.

P.P.P.S. However, if you insist on a reward, we have something very special that we know you'll love. Follow the breadcrumbs...


Your special treat is down here somewhere.


You're going to love it.
It's going to be awesome.
EPIC even.
That's right, it's a new font. Yay, I bet all your dreams have come true. Don't say we never treat you.

See you in "Incarna: Escape From Captains Quarters".

Thanks for reading.

Drop us a line on >this thread at Freebooted< to let me know you're a winner and to tell me what you thought.

Seismic Stan